Can We Schedule Posts on WordPress?

The question in many people's mind: "Can we schedule posts? Can we do it on WordPress? If yes, how can we do so?".
Today I'm going to answer this question. Yes, you can schedule posts in most of the popular blog sites like Blogger. You can do so on WordPress as well. How? To know how, read this article.

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Here are the steps:

1. First, login to your site's WordPress Dashboard.
2. Then, write an article/post by going to the Posts > Add New section.
3. Then, you can see this box in the right side.
4. In the "Publish Immediately" section, click on Edit.
5. Then, write the date and time in the respective fields. If I want to schedule it to 6:00AM on October 8, I'd do this:
6. Then, click on OK.
7. Then, click on Publish button.
The post would be published in the time you have selected.

This is how you schedule posts on WordPress. Hope you liked this step-by-step article. If you liked it, please share it on social medias so that your fellow bloggers can know how they can schedule posts on WordPress.

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